Compa product offering
The widest range with the most professional profile
Always a manufacturer of miter saws, for over 60 years active in the woodworking machinery sector, Compa is the only company that can boast such a marked specialization and such an extensive and qualified range of models.
Our brand
Resuming an old tradition dating back to the 60s/70s Compa proposes Kompacta, a wide and diversified series of combined machines for woodworking: from the professional “Kompacta” to the efficient “Baby Kompacta” up to the handy and eclectic “Mini Kompacta”. In the Kompacta category you will find combined woodworking machines
Professional Range
Professional Range offers various lines of professional miter saws designed to meet the most diverse needs. In the Professional Range category you will find:
Since 2005 with the acquisition of the OMS brand and technology, Compa has gathered a prestigious tradition and wanted to safeguard and enhance a historical heritage of the local mechanical district. In the OMS category you can find: professional miter saws.
Men at Work
The Men at Work family impeccable at work and contained in the price; Compa has enormously widened the choice with guaranteed products and positioned on different price levels, which range in the broadest sectors, from woodworking to ironworking (with the Steelcut line), from the building sector up to the latest line of “Compa Tools” power tools.